Susan, John, and Ava survey the scene.
The first task was to move out the sand pile left over from plastering.
Melissa and Giuseppe work on the path. Melissa : "I feel myself returning to my Irish potato farmer roots".
12 cubic yards of topsoil to be ferried about by wheelbarrow and raked out for the garden areas. The rest of the soil area on site will be remediated and improved with plantings.
Terraced beds are built into the hillside, and wheelbarrow loads of topsoil are brought down site to fill them in about 6" deep. Reena, John, Lauren and Kit finish up the morning's work.
Straw is spread above the beds as mulch; the small mounds of earth on the slope are for creepers like squash, cucumbers, and zucchini.
Gravel left over from the rainwater tank installation, and reclaimed p.t. timber steps make a good path. Anna and M'lex finish it up.
John and Chris tackle the weeds beside Roseview Ave.
Andrew and Anna against a late afternoon sky threatening rain.
We put down newspaper and topsoil over the weeds, to ready for Chris's corn plantings (interspersed with zucchini plants). Put it in the history books: Man from Sasketchewan plants his first corn seeds in Cambridge Ontario.
Laura nestles in some pepper and tomato seedlings
Our new snaky path and gardens! We couldn't believe how much we accomplished in the day.
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